Acoustic Sounds
Clayton Shaw
By: Michael Fremer

November 13th, 2023


Hi-Fi Shows

At Capital Audio Fest 2023 Clayton Shaw's Open Baffle Caladan Loudspeaker Drew Attention

former Spatial Audio owner/designer starts a new company

Spatial Audio was Clayton Shaw's previous open baffle based loudspeaker company. His new open baffle speaker debuted at Capital Audio Fest 2023. Here, Shaw describes the Caladan and his ideas behind it. There was a pretty intense buzz at the show about this speaker. I heard about it from more than a few friends and fans I spoke with before and during the show.

This speaker was really fun to listen to—dynamic, vivid yet not over-saturated, and it seemed to go impressively low. The price will be around $3000, Shaw says he's already got orders for a few months' lead time.


  • 2023-11-14 05:16:10 AM

    Anton wrote:

    Wishing him success!

  • 2023-11-14 11:59:18 PM

    topround wrote:

    I ordered a pair, they were very musical speakers.