Acoustic Sounds
Rufus Reid Presents Caelan Cardello
By: Michael Fremer

December 14th, 2024


Editor's Choice

Last Call For "Rufus Reid Presents Caelan Cardello"!

only "around 100 copies" remain at Acoustic Sounds

When my friend Robin Wyatt (Robyatt Audio) and I decided to release this live performance on vinyl we vowed to produce it "cost is no object" and we didn't do it to make money—not that we are against making money and we actually did make some.

I sent as a gift to the about to retire Bob Ludwig what I thought were the finished, ready to be cut to lacquer files but he got back to me and insisted that he'd like to master it and have his name on it because he thought in a few years Caelan would be a household name—at least among jazz fans. Robin and I stayed true to our cost is no object aims and we're glad we did. Whatever Bob did to it made it sound even better.

We pressed 2000 copies and hoped for the best. Our best hopes were exceeded and today only around 100 copies remain at the distributor, Acoustic Sounds (which also pressed it at its QRP pressing plant). Matthew Lutthans cut using The Mastering Labs cutting system and the result speaks for ltself! There may be a few copies left elsewhere.

We're not going to re-press the record, though we both think once Caelan lands a major label deal and gets where we both think he's going, that label will purchase or license this title and re-release it. Until that happens....

BTW: Caelan and his trio have been in the studio recording a follow up that will include all or mostly all originals. I was there for one of the recording sessions, and Malachi and I saw the group play live at Mezzrow in NYC to a packed house.

I hope to release the new album on Liam Records next Fall.....


  • 2024-12-14 10:51:23 PM

    Malachi Lui wrote:

    damn, i was hoping you would do a 45rpm double LP reissue next!

  • 2024-12-15 09:45:23 AM

    Simon Pepper wrote:

    Took a while to find a sensible priced copy in Europe from Analog Vinyl in Austria, but I am so glad I did. Wonderful recording, very enjoyable with great in room presence. Thank you for undertaking this.

    Shipping direct from the US is now as much as the actual item, then there are the ‘tariffs’ payable by the consumer for VAT & Import Tax which have to be paid. Seemingly misunderstood by many, that’s how tariffs work. 😃

    Looking forward to your projects & of course your reviews and commentary in 2025, keep up the fight for great sound.

    • 2024-12-15 09:49:46 AM

      Simon Pepper wrote:

      Correction Analog Vinyl are in Hungary. The record was shipped through Austria to me, in Ireland.

  • 2024-12-15 05:06:06 PM

    Bill Bird wrote:

    I would encourage the curious to snap one up ASAP. Well done in all aspects. A must have.

  • 2024-12-16 11:35:57 PM

    john utell wrote:

    been enjoying it since it came out. Looking forward to a follow up.

  • 2025-03-08 03:16:20 AM

    Dave wrote:

    Placed my order tonight, after hearing a preview.

    • 2025-03-14 02:06:41 AM

      Dave wrote:

      Listening now. Very enjoyable performances and great pressing. I'd like to see Chad and everyone else move beyond these "MoFi" style sleeves. They are not as anti-static as advertised. It's basically cling-wrap.