Acoustic Sounds
Nagra at High End 2023
By: Michael Fremer

May 24th, 2023


Hi-Fi Shows

Munich High End 2023 Day Three Coverage

CH Precision P10 phono preamp demo was among the day's highlights

Saturday was the first of two consumer days at High End Munich 2023 and the MOC was packed from 10:00 AM opening time until just about the 6 PM close. Among Saturday's highlights was a special demo of CH Precision's new P10 two chassis phono preamp—a step up from the already outstanding P1/X1 combo that's my solid state reference.

A direct comparison made clear that the P10 is even better than the P1/X1, but of course there will be a full upcoming review published in The Absolute Sound, probably in the Fall. The system, consisting of an Air Force One Premium, the new Air Force 10 air bearing pivoted arm, TechDAS T1 cartridge, and all CH Precision electronics driving a pair of Wilson Alexx Vs plus a pair of Wilson Watch Dog subwoofers was among the show's many sonic highlights.

Wilson Alexx V

At 2 PM I played a selection of records and acetates in the Nagra room that the crowd seemed to really enjoy. Among them were acetates of Patrick Leonard's new album and the one I and Robin Wyatt will be releasing featuring young pianist Caelan Cardello and bassist Rufus Reid. Release dates for both projects is still a few months off.

The system this year, featuring Wilson Alexx Vs plus a pair of Wilson Loki subwoofers and of course all Nagra electronics and the Nagra turntable and cartridge, sounded rich, detailed, involving, and when the music called for it, it had all the slam and drive you could want.

Några Turntable, Michael FremerThe presentation drew a nice sized crowd.

Nagra room High End 2023Michael Fremer High End 2023I also enjoyed listening!

Lamborghini boomboxThis is a most insane boombox

This video is filled with turntable, phono preamp and cartridge news as well as the humor that distinguishes these videos from most if not all of the other High End video coverage.

Sumiko cartridge lineupSumiko cartridge presentation

I've worked really hard to improve both the video and audio quality of these show reports and I think the effort paid off here, though of course audio under noisy show conditions can sometimes be difficult!
