Acoustic Sounds
Ortofon MC90x
By: Michael Fremer

February 13th, 2025


Industry News

Ortofon Announces the New $5499 MC 90x—an Update of the Classic A90!

One's here for review and I can't wait to install it

Ortofon celebrated its 90th birthday with the release of the now legendary and truly revolutionary MC A90—the first cartridge to use SLM (Selective Laser Melt) technology to build up from metallic powder (stainless steel for the MC A90) a cartridge body shape that would have been impossible to "machine away" from a block of stainless steel, aluminum or other materials. The shape was about self-damping and resonance control, not to create a fanciful look—though it was that too.

Now comes an updated but very similar-looking MC 90x featuring a nude double polished Replicant 100 stylus, Boron cantilever, and Ortofon's long used FSE (Field Stabilizing Element) and WRDS (Wide Range Damping System), both best described in an upcoming review.

How does it sound? One's here and I'll soon find out and share the news with you. The dark cobalt blue housing gives it a great look!


  • 2025-02-13 07:45:44 PM

    Tim wrote:

    Michael, you forgot to mention it's now Blue, which means it's great for Jazz LPs

    • 2025-02-13 09:49:59 PM

      Michael Fremer wrote:

      it's "kinda" blue...

    • 2025-02-13 10:10:29 PM

      Silk Dome Mid wrote:

      Clearly designed to play BLUES LPs. Don't muddy the waters!

  • 2025-02-13 08:37:20 PM

    Come on wrote:

    Gorgeous looks indeed! That the shape (built like a short triangle) is self-damping is interesting.

  • 2025-02-14 01:51:02 PM

    Larry Casey wrote:

    Man I wish I could spring for this songbird. I have a cadenza blue and black and think both of them are outstanding. Honestly I have no need to upgrade,. The problem is that old audiophile yearning kicks in when I see the new and shining Ortofon offering. Would love to hear one in my cave.

  • 2025-02-15 07:48:01 PM

    Seamus MacGleannain wrote:

    Any idea what price range? I suppose if I have to ask, I can't afford it.

    • 2025-02-15 07:49:02 PM

      Seamus MacGleannain wrote:

      Just love the 'look' of it! Very unique!

  • 2025-03-15 07:30:23 PM

    Zimmer74 wrote:

    I used the original A90 for many years, managing to break the cantilever at one point, repaired by Ortofon. My new A90x arrived yesterday, and wow! I think this will be even better— lively, holographic, tonal richness, emotional depth, on and on. The speed is exhilarating.