The Onzow Zerodust Controversy Concludes Here (Updated August 29, 2023 With New Instruction)
the new instructions explain it well
Since that report, WAM Engineering's J.R. Boisclair has been working with the Onzow Zerodust team to discover why a residue was being deposited onto styli and what exactly was it. After careful analysis and with great cooperation between the parties, Onzow has updated its instructions to reflect what had been discovered.
In case you missed this important story, here's an example of what Boisclair was finding on styli of cartridges sent to him for analysis as part of his cartridge inspection service. The commonality was use of the Zerodust.
Removing the residue was difficult and time consuming. Not everyone using the Zerodust reported finding this residue, so what exactly was causing it for some and not for others? Rather than going into the long explanation of how and what was discovered and why, here are the new Zerodust instructions that both explain what happened and how to prevent it from ever again happening.
In other words, everyone is satisfied that if you follow these instructions, the Zerodust will be safe to use without any change to the product, and no residue will attach to the stylus:
"The material of ZERODUST was developed for medical use and is harmless to the human body. Also, It does not contain any alcohol components.
ZERODUST not only cleans the stylus, but also prevents the dampers and coils from deterioration and maintains its original performance characteristics.
The lid doubles as a magnifying glass.
To wash ZERODUST, carefully remove the cleaning element from its protective box and gently wash it with cold, not hot, water only.
To ensure ZERODUST will not melt or stick to the stylus:
・Do not expose ZERODUST to high temperatures or direct sunlight.
(There is a possibility of deterioration.)
・Keep ZERODUST in a safe place and close the lid when not in use.
ZERODUST does not stick to the stylus unless it may deteriorate.
・Replace your ZERODUST after 3 years from the date from your purchase date."
Onzow's Akira Ishibashi emailed on 8/22/2023 that only the final instruction "Replace your ZERODUST after 3 years from the date from your purchase date" was new and that the rest was already in the instructions. He added that "After careful examination, ONZOW decided to extend the shelf life of ZERODUST to 7 years with careful use. Although (he added) I recommend changing it more frequently for heavy users."
Readers should be able to figure out from the new instructions what was the problem and how it is now solved without any change to the Zerodust itself.
A happy ending...... (and no massage jokes, please)