Acoustic Sounds
Making Vinyl, Minneapolis
By: Tracking Angle

July 25th, 2023


Industry News

What Exactly Goes on at a "Making Vinyl" Event?

here's some of what occurred at Making Vinyl Minneapolis the past June

During the past decade, consumer demand for vinyl outpaced pressing capacity, resulting in delays of as much as 10 months. But that changed in the past year when existing players on both sides of the Atlantic dramatically expanded volume capabilities by adding machinery, and new plants became operational. Moderator Eric Astor, whose Furnace Record Pressing recently sold a majority ownership stake to Metallica, discusses the topic with pressing newcomer Connie Comeau, COO of The ADS Group/Copycats Media, and two indie label execs jazz specialist Zev Feldman, and Andrew Rossiter, of reissue label Org Music.

Unfortunately, we've not got the ability to "share" videos the way we can with YouTube, but here's a link to one of the most interesting panel discussions at last spring's "Making Vinyl" B2B conference held in Minneapolis early last June.

And here's another link, this one to a panel I ran titled "It's Time for a SPARS-like Coding System for Vinyl"
