March 10th, 2025
A Record That Tells You How Great Your System Can Sound... and how blah most recordings are....By: Michael Fremer
Scandinavians playing Dixieland/trad jazz is not my idea of a great musical treat—I don't care how well it's recorded and that's why though I've got a copy of the audiophile classic Jazz at the Pawn Shop and concede that it is among the greatest sounding jazz recordings ever, I can't remember that last time I listened to it.This record from Swing' Gate is something else, though it too treads in trad jazz land, because its leader, pianist... Read More
August 15th, 2024
A Swinging Quarter Century Old Jazz Vocal Album' Premier Vinyl Release recorded in 1998 to two inch analog tapeBy: Michael Fremer
This album arrived in the mail featuring jazz vocalist Teri Roiger, her husband and bassist John Menegon, both unfamiliar to me, plus always a joy to enjoy, Jack DeJohnette and Kenny Burrell (drums and guitar, but you already knew that). How this session happened—have DeJohnette and Burrell ever played together previously or ever again?—I don't know. But once I played it and heard Roiger's vocals I think I understood why those two did the gig, why I needed... Read More
July 9th, 2024
Is This The Most Essential Joni Box Set Yet? yes, please read the reasoningBy: Michael Fremer
On 1974's Court and Spark Joni Mitchell cautiously dipped her musical toes into the jazz pool, adding some studio players like Milt Holland, Wilton Felder and Tom Scott to the arranging mix and capping the record with a sly, startling cover of Wardell Gray and Annie Ross's "Twisted" found originally on Lambert, Hendricks & Ross!: The Hottest New Group in Jazz (Columbia CS 8198). Cheech and Chong added some of their zany comic commentary to the... Read More
February 4th, 2023
Do Not Judge This Blossom By Its Cover Vinyl Me Please's reissue of Blossom Dearie's debut has crappy enlarged compact disc cover, but sounds greatBy: Joshua Smith
Vinyl Me Please could have had a home run with this beautiful-sounding and essential reissue, but fails miserably with an ugly cover sourced from a late '80s-era compact disc.
Read MoreJanuary 27th, 2023
Inept Remix and Dynamic Smashing Takes "Soul On Top" to the Bottom of the Reissue Heap take the remixers to squash courtBy: Michael Fremer
What's unusual here is not the big band. James Brown toured and recorded with one throughout his career. "Soul On Top" is an outlier in the Brown catalog because he's backed by a jazz band— Louie Bellson's 18 piece orchestra—with arrangements by Oliver Nelson, who tried to conduct. Only saxophonist Maceo Parker, Jr. from Brown's band The J.B.s came along for the ride.Brown's 28th album, released in 1970 on King Records (KS1100) was... Read More
January 24th, 2023
How Best to Hear Patricia Barber's "Clique!" some Tracking Angle readers might be surprisedBy: Michael Fremer
Patricia Barber albums take up a lot of shelf space real estate here. Over the years her many albums have been issued and reissued on vinyl with every reissue sounding better than the previous one, though of course Jim Anderson recorded all of them digitally. Nightclub was recorded to 3348 multi-track and mixed through a Neve analog desk to both digital and analog mix down masters. Anderson said in an email that "....we've always run digital and analogue on... Read More
September 17th, 2022
Cassandra Wilson Destroys Artificial Musical Boundaries And Celebrates Good Tunes From the archives: Michael Fremer reviews Cassandra Wilson's superb 'New Moon Daughter'By: Michael Fremer
(This review originally appeared in Issue 7, Spring 1996.)Joni Mitchell may have written “The Circle Game,” but it took Cassandra Wilson to grab pop by the throat and drag it around in one of the widest, deepest grooves of an unlikely circle you’ll ever hear, reconfiguring it as simmering, steamy jazz/blues. If you start this disc on the third track, “Solomon Sang”—a Wilson original—you might even be fooled into thinking it was Joni in her most recent smoky... Read More